he is tall.

Despite the name he is tall. is actually not that tall, but when he, with his guitar alongside him, occupies the stages around Denmark, he grows. It is in fact, on stage, the likeable lad Troels Thorkild Sørensen from Mårslet, near Aarhus, shines with confidence as the musician he is tall..

A couple of years ago, Troels made a big decision: He decided to move to the capital, Copenhagen, to try to make it as an artist. It has been years full of highlights, with support jobs for main names such as Tyler Childers, Brandy Clark, The Divine Comedy and Lera Lynn.

Furthermore, he signed a record deal with the Danish indie label Møs Møs and in 2022 he released his debut-ep ‘it’s always been you.’ The EP received a bunch of positive attention, especially from Germany with songs such as ‘snow fortress.’, ‘you could just take me.and ‘new york.’

The tracksgained rotation on several German radio folk stations and also received critical acclaim and good reviews. It led he is tall. on a tour around Germany in November 2022, where he played in cities such as Berlin, Hamburg, and Leipzig.

Despite the low-key setup he is tall. has an unique take on the indie singer-songwriter genre, and the musical universe he’s creating is intense and vulnerable and a quirky mix of American grandiosity and Northern European sensibility.

Sebastian Saxton, host for the Danish national radio channel P6 Beat, about he is tall.: “I think your style is truly original and I have a hard time seeing how anyone would be able to copy you, which is a rare appreciation to give! So many thanks for your music. I really appreciate it – and I really think your voice is worth the appraisal.”

Since then, he is tall. worked intensely on his songwriting craft and in late 2023 he started to work with the producer duo Alexander Grandjean and Wes Hutchinson (Norah Jones, Mavis Staples). A new chapter is ready to be written, with new music to be released in 2025 through the German and Berlin-based label Greywood Records. He is also returning to Germany again this year, playing a bunch of shows throughout it. Troels wants to change the world with his music. He wants to be your best friend you don’t have a personal relationship with. He wants to be there for you on the sunny summer days and maybe even more on those rainy Sundays on the couch with a rug and an inner self going absolutely zoo. He wants you to know that you are not alone.